April 5, 2010

a trip to the bookstore

Posted by Zaza Zarith

i have always loved bookstores. i always look forward for an outing with my dad going to the bookstores when i was a teen. me and my dad used to spend hours in bookstores looking at all the wonderful secrets and exploring what's in store there. i truly love the smell of books be it new or old. u see i inherit my 'bookworm' habits from my dad. when i was a baby, i think the first word that i uttered was 'book'...haha...kidding...but my mom told me, unlike other kids, i was not interested in dolls as other girls were. i always asked for books as my bday present. funny huh?

well, due to my interest in books, i always find men my age attractive if they are into books. there's just somethg interesting abt a good looking guy going to bookstores. haha...i know...

fortunate enough, i've found a guy who is into books the way i am into books... lucky me :)

I have always wanted to take a picture of bookshelves and book racks. this was taken at BORDERS.

a lady contently reading a novel~